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MA Digital Journalism Final Multimedia Project: On Hold

The frustration of an endless droning dial tone plagued many people during the Covid-19 pandemic lockdowns. “I rang many times before getting through on the helplines”, several women told UK-based domestic abuse charity Women’s Aid in a survey. Any chance they had to call a helpline during this time was limited. Ten UK helplines reported sharp hikes in calls and obstacles during the pandemic. They provided a closer look into the impact of the pandemic on their services and the survivors they support. I built the website with HTML5 and CSS and the charts with Flourish and Datawrapper. I interviewed UK helpline managers and one survivor of domestic abuse for the article. I also collected statistics of the calls to the helplines during the pandemic, which I included in the charts.

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Cracked Code

"Can codewords and hand signals for reporting domestic abuse cause more harm than good?" This is a webpage I built using UIKit. The article contains tweets and retweets with the hashtags #SignalforHelp and #AskforAni posted during the pandemic when these domestic abuse reporting campaigns began that I scraped from Twitter using Python code and Twint. I researched if these codewords and hand signals can put victims in more danger rather than saving them from their abusers. Using Excel pivot tables, I collected statistics on the analytics of each tweet and visualized them in charts I built on Flourish.

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Twitter Scraping Report: Georgia

"People headed to Twitter to express their opinions on the Georgia Senate runoff election and Trump's threatening call to Georgia state officials to force them to change the 2021 Presidential Election results for the state. The following Twitter analysis focuses on tweets that mention the state name “Georgia” a day after the Senate runoff election winners were announced on Thursday, January 7, 2021." I used TAGS software to scrape the tweets, Excel's pivot tables to analyze the tweets and MonkeyLearn and Lexalytics to conduct sentiment analysis. Then, I visualized the data using Flourish and Datawrapper to create charts and graphs and Word Cloud Generator to create colorful word clouds.